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“Divorce coaching is a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going through divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on their particular interests, needs, and concerns.”
– American Bar Association

Why should you consider hiring a Divorce Coach?
Reasons to Hire a Divorce Coach
Objective Support
Family and friends are well meaning but do not understand the intricacies of divorce and often come from an emotional place when giving you advice. A divorce coach will support you while pointing out the pitfalls and options you face.
Save Money
Attorneys charge anywhere from $250 – $500 per hour for their time. You will be billed for every email, every phone call and every time you process emotional or non-legal aspects of your divorce with him. A divorce coach charges much less per hour and is able to guide you with everything outside of the legal aspects of your case.

Guidance and Knowledge
A divorce coach is your thinking partner. She can provide you with information about the divorce process and help you to make the best decisions for you and your family. A divorce coach will ensure you do not feel lost or alone in the process.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Having someone in your corner who understands what you are going through, is knowledgeable about the court process and system and who can guide you to the best actionable steps for your divorce, takes away the stress and anxiety of dealing with the “unknown”.
Divorce with Deb has an Advisory Board that includes seasoned professionals from industries that may play a part in one’s separation or divorce. It is an invaluable resource that Deb is able to tap into on behalf of clients for complex situations that may arise.